14 Nisan 2017 Cuma

The Art of Functions


Renç Karaca
10-E / 151

                       MATH PERFORMANCE PROJECT

My shape is a cat with long and cute whiskers.

The functions that I have used:

The domains and ranges:
1) D:[-1.5] R:[-1.3]
2) D:[1.5] R:[-1.3]
3) D:[-4.8] R:[-1.5]
4) D:[4.8] R:[1.5]
5) D:[2.4] R:[-4.6,-1.5]
6) D:[2.4] R:[4.6,1.5]
7) D:[3,4.5] R:[1.98,4.02]
8) D:[-3,4.5] R:[-4.02,-1.98]
9) D:[-1,8.8] R:[-5.62,0]
10) D:[1.2,8.8] R:[0,5.62]
11) D:[4.4,7] R:[3.7,6.35]
12) D:[-4.4,7] R:[-6.35,-3.7]
13) D:[0,10.5] R:[-4.2,4.2]
14) D:[-1] R:[-1]
15) D:[1] R:[-1]
16) D:[-2] R:[-1]
17) D:[2] R:[-1]
18) D:[-1.5] R:[-2]
19) D:[1.5] R:[-2]
20) D:[-1] R:[0.95,1.05]
21) D:[-1] R:[1.95,2.05]
22) D:[-2] R:[1.45,1.55]
23) D:[-1] R:[-0.95,-1.05]
24) D:[-1] R:[-1.95,-2.05]
25) D:[-2] R:[-1.45,-1.55]
26) D:[0],[-4,-4]
27) D:[-3]R:[3]
28) D:[3]R:[3]
29) D:[4.5] R:[-1.1,1.1]
30) D:[-6] R:[-3.81,3.81]
31) D:[1] R:[1.5,9]
32) D:[-1.5] R:[3,9]
33) D:[1] R:[1.5,9]
34)D:[1] R:[-7,7]
35) D:[0] R:[-9,3]
36) D:[0] R:[-7,7]
37) D:[58,-18 ] R:[11.8,7]
38) D:[-2,14] R:[-2,-4]
39) D:[3.25,14] R:[4,2]
40) D:[22,-18] R:[11.8,7]
41) D:[55,-18] R:[10.5,7]
42) D:[-3,14] R:[-2.5,-3.78]
43) D:[2.4,-14] R:[3.78,2.5]
44) D:[55,-18] R:[10.5,7]
45) D:[1] R:[0.75,-0.75]
46) D:[-0.5] R:[-0.5,1]
47) D:[-0.5] R:[-0.5,1]

The only thing I liked about this project is to imagine and decide something to draw with functions.  After that everything was pretty boring.  I like to draw in real life but in desmos it is difficult and annoying.  You try so much until you find the right function for your drawing.  By the way you can spend 10 minutes just to draw a one line which is very annoying.  I think  that this project is not very related to mathematics you just need to have some time to waste in order to succeed in this project.  On the other hand I learned something grudgingly while doing this project.  That is how does numbers in a function affect the graph, also how to find domain and range.  I had some little issues while doing the project.  First of all you need to know functions and I couldn't remember them at first.  Addition to that, it takes so much time to draw so many lines one by one, so I needed free time to complete this project.  But I hadn't, so I had to improve my time management skills also.  Lastly, my friends and I would really like to see more math related and less time taking project in the future.

Math Project

Drawing a Budgerigar With Functions


13 Nisan 2017 Perşembe

Maths Performance

10E / 249

          NOTE:  At the beginning of this project to be honest I was scared because I thought I wouldn’t be able to do this project but it turned out that it wasn’t like that. I was so joyful while during this project and at the same time I had the opportunity to improve my mathematical skills and also I have a better self as teem (e). The best part of this project was I learned while having fun and it was so different than the ones I had done previously (a). The only part of this project that I didn’t like sometimes the functions it wasn’t like I wanted it to be so I lost the times because of I worked a lot of time on a function (b). During this project I learned many types of functions and I got the ability to show it is a figure (c). But sometimes I had a problem because of the Desmos, it did not detect the functions so I didn't draw the shape easily and also I didn't found the correct functions for my work (d). 





Maths Performance Project

Alexandra Kozmidis
10E 194
My shape is how a factory near the forest looks like when there are happy people and birds on a sunny day.

The functions I have used are:


The Domains and Ranges(respectively):
 1)  [ -3,12] [18, 18]

 2) [ 12,12] [ 0,13]

 3) [-3, -3[18, 0]

 4) [13,39 ] [ 13,13]

5) [40,40]  [13, 0]

 6) [2,7 ] [16,16]

 7) [2, 7 ] [16, 16]

 8) [2,2][11,16]

 9) [7, 7][11, 16]

 10) [ 3,6] [ 4,4]

 11) [ 3,3] [ 4, 0.33]

12) [ 6,6] [ 4, 0.5]

 13) [ 3.1, 3.5] [ 2,2]

 14) [ 4.5, 4.5]  [ 16, 11.26]

15) [ 2, 7] [ 13.5, 13.5]

 16) [ 18,18] [ 13, 0]

 17) [ 25,25] [ 13, 0]

 18) [ 33, 33] [ 13, 0]

 19) [ 17,17] [ 13, 0]

 20) [ 16, 16]  [ 13, 0]

 21) [15,15] [13,0]

 22) [14, 14 ] [ 13, 0]

 23) [13,13 ] [ 13,0]

24) [19,19 ] [ 13, 0]

 25) [20,20] [13,0 ]

 26) [ 21, 21] [ 13,0]

 27) [22,22 ] [ 13, 0]

 28) [23,23 ] [ 13, 0]

 29) [24, 24 ] [ 13, 0]

 30) [ 26, 26] [ 13,0]

 31) [ 27, 27] [ 13, 0]

 32) [28, 28 ] [ 13, 0]

 33) [29, 29 ] [13,0 ]

 34) [30, 30 ] [ 13, 0]

 35) [31, 31 ] [ 13,0]

36) [32, 32 ] [ 13,0]

37) [33,33 ] [ 13,0]

38) [34, 34 ] [13, 0 ]

39) [35, 35 ] [ 13, 0]

40) [ 36, 36] [13, 0 ]

41) [37, 37 ] [ 13, 0]

42) [38, 38 ] [ 13, 0]

43) [ 39, 39] [ 13, 0]

44) [ 30, 30] [ 13, 0]

45) [32, 32 ] [ 13, 0]

46) [ 17, 17] [13,0 ]

 47) [-100,150 ] [ 0.407, 0.493]

48) [-8, -8] [ 7.8, 0]

49) [-11, -11 ] [ 7.8,0]

 50) [45.5, 45.5 ]  [ 22.746, 7.254]

 51) [ 44,44] [7.8,0]

 52) [ 47, 47] [ 7.8, 0]

 53) [-20.456, -20 ]  [49.865, 78.142 ]

 54) [90, 90] 18.873, 11.127 ]

 55) [-49, -49 ] [18.873, 11.127 ]

 56) [ 90, 90] [11, 0]

57) [49, 49 ] [ 11, 0]

58) [-45,-48.76] [11, 7.2 ]

 59) [-49,-53 ][ 7, 11]

60) [ 85, 90]  [11.3, 6.3 ]

61) [90, 6,3 ] [95, 11.3 ]

62) [ 1,40 ] [undefined, undefined ]

63) [75, 130 ] [undefined, undefined ]

64) [65, 130 ] [ undefined, undefined]

65) [10, 30 ] [undefined, undefined ]

66) [-48.8, 31.6 ] [ 47.1,55.7]

67) [-47.65, 71.65 ] [-32.5,  57.7 ]

68) [ -20.456, -6.514] [49.865, 33.6 ]

69) [-14. 943, -9.797] [89.4, 73.793 ]

70) [-6.435, 12 ] [ 60, 60]

71) [-100, 150 ] [0.407, 0.493 ]

To start with, the thing that made me love this project was that we always had to keep up with the numbers and we always had to improve our analytical thinking skills and actually after some point I felt that I didn’t have to try to write a function anymore, I started to write them automatically.  My brain just did all of the work itself and I guess this is a skill that this project made me learn.  To continue with I am a maths person so I do think that this project made me have some quality time with myself and the world of numbers and funcitons.   In addition there were of course the points that I didn’t enjoy doing such as finding specific functions for some specific places and avoiding the misfiting functions.  It looks so easy from the outer side but is actually so hard to maintain the right places from the inner background.  This project made me learn more about functions and that they are not only lines and numbers but they are parts of our daily life.